NOVA 920ES 双目显微镜

NOVA 920ES 双目显微镜
NOVA binocular microscope, WF 10x eyepieces paired, semi-planObjectives: 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x R, For use in the laboratory of biochemistry widely.
NOVA 双目显微镜,目镜10x, 物镜4x, 10x, 40x, 100x R, 广泛使用于生化实验室。
1)920ES NOVA显微镜 1台
2)WF 10x eyepieces 1对
3)semi-plan objective: 4x, 10x, 40x, 100xR
4)20W variable Quartz Halogen illumination

NOVA binocular microscope, WF 10x eyepieces paired, semi-planObjectives: 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x R, For use in the laboratory of biochemistry widely.
NOVA 双目显微镜,目镜10x, 物镜4x, 10x, 40x, 100x R, 广泛使用于生化实验室。
1)920ES NOVA显微镜 1台
2)WF 10x eyepieces 1对
3)semi-plan objective: 4x, 10x, 40x, 100xR
4)20W variable Quartz Halogen illumination