世界各国阻燃面料标准,阻燃面料标准, 阻燃面料英文


世界各国阻燃面料标准,阻燃面料标准, 阻燃面料英文

各国执行标准/International standards 用途/Application

德国/GERMANY DIN 23320(DIN 53906) 防护服/ Exposure Suits DIN 66083(SIN 54336-80) 防护服/ Exposure Suits DIN 66084(DIN 4102) 装饰织物/ Ornamental Drapery

日本/JAPAN JISL 1091 防护服/ Exposure Suits JISL 1008-69 飞机装饰织物/ Airplane Ornamental Drapery JISL 1201="FWVSS" 汽车装饰织物/ Auto Ornamental Drapery

美国/USA FMVSS 302 汽车装饰织物/ Auto Ornamental Drapery NFPA 701 窗帘/ Curtains NFPA 261-94 家具覆盖织物/ Home furnishings FAR 25-853 飞机装饰织物/ Airplane Ornamental Drapery CS 191-51 防护服/ Exposure Suits CA 117 家具沙发/ Fitment Sofa EN 71 玩具类/ Toy CFR-1633 床垫类/ Mattress

法国/FRANCE NFG 07-184 防护服/ Exposure Suits NFG 92-501-505 装饰织物/ Ornamental Drapery

澳大利亚/AUSTRALIA AS 1249.2(AS2755) 儿童睡衣/ Children Bedgowns AS 1441.13 涂层织物/ Coating Fabrics AS 1530.2(AS 2755) 窗帘/ Curtains AS 2390.2 毯子/ Rugs/Blankets/Carpets AS 3744.2 家具覆盖织物/ Home furnishings

英国/U.KBS 5722(BS 5438) 儿童睡衣/ Children Bedgowns BS 5815.3(BS 5438) 床上用品/ Bsddings BS 5867.3(BS 5438) 窗帘/ Curtains BS 6249.1(BS 5438) 防护服/ Exposure Suits BS 7175(BS 5852) 床单及枕头/ Bedspread & pillow BS 7177(BS 5807) 床垫、床基等/ Mattress and Bedstock BS 7176 衬垫坐椅类/ Mats and Upholstered Seats





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